A portion of all proceeds from Bear Clothing Company will go towards environmental charities to help protect threatened species and their habitats. Our planet is a beautiful place. Let’s keep it that way.
CoolEarth Collection
The CoolEarth Collection will have a portion of the proceeds donated to CoolEarth Charity.
The CoolEarth Charity protects endangered rainforests in order to combat global warming, protect ecosystems and helps provide employment for local people.
Cool Earth's ethos is that the most effective custodians of rainforests are the people who have lived there for generations as they have the most to lose from its destruction. Their approach is to work with indigenous and rainforest-based communities to secure threatened rainforest that, within 18 months or less, would otherwise be sold to loggers and ranchers. The charity provides local people with the support they need to get income from the forest without cutting it down so that the forest is worth more intact.

Sea Turtle Collection
The Sea Turtle Collection will have a portion of the proceeds donated to
Sea Turtle Conservancy was founded in 1959 by sea turtle expert Dr. Archie Carr to save sea turtles from eminent extinction through rigorous science-based conservation.
The organization carries out worldwide programs to conserve and recover sea turtle populations through research, education, advocacy and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.

Ocean Cleanup & One Tree Collections
Ocean Cleanup Collection will have a potion of the proceeds donated to
The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. Plastic pollution in the world's oceans is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time, impacting nearly 700 marine species.
The One Tree Collection will have a portion of the proceeds donated to
One Tree Planted wants to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their goal is to restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.

Sierra Collection
The Sierra Club Foundation promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment. Their goals include Solve the climate crisis primarily through a successful transition to a resource-efficient, clean energy economy that better serves people and nature;
Secure protections for public lands and waters, promote healthy ecosystems and communities, and fight for clean air and water;
Expand opportunities for more people to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet by supporting programs and policies that reach across economic, cultural, and community lines to get people outdoors; and
Build a diverse, inclusive environmental movement that reflects and represents today’s American public, and prioritizes important connections between environmental health and social justice.

High Tide Collection
The Ocean Conservancy aims to work with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. A portion of the proceeds from this collection will be donated to the Ocean Conservancy to help protect our planet, threatened species, and their habitats.

Forest Collection
Our National Forests and Grasslands are at the core of America’s natural riches, and yet, today these treasures are threatened by unprecedented challenges. A portion of the proceeds from this collection will be donated to the National Forest Foundation to help protect our planet, threatened species, and their habitats.