“Live in each season as it passes. Breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
-Henry David Thoreau
Our planet is full of picturesque places to explore. Break out of your comfort zone and take the road less traveled to find them. Bear Clothing Company looks to explore the unexplored and take you with us on our journey. We strive to take what the world offers us, and give it right back. That is why we donate a portion of all proceeds to various charities to help give back to our planet.
We are passionate about keeping the earth clean and look to make every decision with the highest regard for the world we call our home.
World Wildlife Fund: To conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.
Ocean Conservancy: The front lines of ocean protection, investing in research, leadership and advocacy that advances science-based solutions that work.
National Forest Foundation: Our National Forests and Grasslands are at the core of America’s natural riches, and yet, today these treasures are threatened by unprecedented challenges.
Charity Water: For people in developing countries, clean water can change everything.
Action Against Hunger: A global humanitarian organization that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger.
Clean Air Task Force: Reduce climate change by applying an overwhelming amount of force to some of the biggest levers to reduce carbon and other climate warming emissions.
Wild Aid: End the illegal wildlife trade by reducing demand on the consumer end. The group's campaigns work to protect sharks, tigers, elephants, rhinos and marine animals from poaching and illegal trade.
Sierra Club Foundation: Promotes climate solutions, conservation, and movement building through a powerful combination of strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy.
One Tree Planted: making it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world.
The Ocean Cleanup: Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies.
Sea Turtle Conservancy: Carries out worldwide programs to conserve and recover sea turtle populations through research, education, advocacy and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.
CoolEarth Charity: protects endangered rainforests in order to combat global warming, protect ecosystems and helps provide employment for local people.
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